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Real Estate Shortcodes
Below are all custom real estate shortcodes with example code and shortcode output.
The property listing shortcode comes with plenty of filters. The example below show all apartments (type) in london (location) that are for rent (status) with air conditioning (features), available from Sept 01 2014 (available_from), with a max price of 5000 (max_price) in a three column-layout (columns) with three properties per page (per_page).
[property_listing colums="3" per_page="3" location="london" status="rent" type="apartment" features="air-conditioning" max_price="5000" min_rooms="2" available_from="20140901"]
No Properties Found.
Make sure to use the slug for „location”, „status”, „type” and „features”. Format of „available_from” is: YYYYMMDD
Properties can be set „Featured” with a single click from the property detail page.
[featured_properties columns="2"]
Insert any single property anywhere on your site by referencing its post ID.
[single_property id="297"]
[single_property id="95"]
Use the following shortcode to display your entire team of agents on your „About” page or within a blog post.
[agents columns="3"]
Testimonials are created like a normal blog post.
[testimonials columns="2"]
Well, I didn't expect much when first contacting you. To say I am pleased with the results would be a huge understatement. These people have real estate in their blood.
Sabrina Monti
These are real estate professionals, trust me, they are worth every cent. I will keep recommending you over and over. Thank you so much.
Jonas Jepson
What an amazing team. I am more than please with the help I got from everyone of you. I will hire you next time for sure.
Martin Sosa
I can't speak high enough of the quality service I received from this real estate company. Everything went smoothly, and I would even say we discovered a real gem for me and my husband.
Larissa Smith
Fully customizable property search. Enable/disable any search field.
Insert custom property maps anywhere on your site. Set location, zoom level, and map height.
[map address="London, UK" zoomlevel="13" height="400px"]
No Properties Found.
Show a preview of your latest blog posts anywhere on your site. Set number of posts and columns.
[latest_posts posts="3" columns="2"]
Witaj w WordPressie. To jest Twój pierwszy wpis. Zmodyfikuj go lub usuń, a następnie rozpocznij blogowanie!
This post contains a few examples of how easy it is to add pretty much any content you can think ..
This post contains a few examples of how easy it is to add pretty much any content you can think ..